- Q: Is there a fan club I can join?
- Q: What is the "Narcissus" ?
- Q: Who is the "Space Jockey"?
- Q: What is written on Brett's cap?
- Q: Why is there a "self-destruct button" on the Nostromo?
- Q: The crew is awakened early out of their hypersleep to explore the
- planet from which the beacon is being transmitted, HOW early are they
- awakened?
- Q: Did the entire crew go down to the surface of LV-426?
- Q: After the Nostromo blew up, and Ripley discovers that the alien is
- on board the escape capsule, why does the alien take SO long to attack
- her?
- Q: Does the alien have eyes? How does it see?
- Q: How could I get a longer version of _ALIEN_ ?
- Q: I recall seeing extra scenes in the movie when I saw it in the
- theaters, am I imagining things?
- Q: When the crew first sets out to search the ship for the alien:
- * Ash has made a "detection" units (motion tracker)
- * Ripley asks "how do they work?"
- * Ash VERY hesitantly replies "micro changes in air density"
- * when searching, Ripley detects something on the OTHER side of an
- airtight door (after all, they ARE in a spaceship) which turns out
- to be Jones.
- * Ripley makes the comment "micro changes in air density my ass"
- This point never gets raised again in the film, what is its significance?
- Q: How come Ripley managed to survive in the shuttle without the coolant
- that Lambert and Parker were collecting?
- Q: When the remaining crew discusses Brett's death, what does Ash say?
- Q: What does "Sulaco" mean?
- Q: Is LV-426 also called "Acheron" ?
- Q: What IS the name of the company?
- Q: What is the name of the colony?
- Q: Why don't the colonists on LV-426 pick up the derelict SOS?
- Q: How did the colony get infected?
- Q: Is Ferro's first name "Mira" ?
- Q: How many colonists are there?
- Q: How many aliens where on LV-426 when the marines arrived?
- Q: Why did Ripley risk life and limb to save Newt, but didn't give a
- second thought to Dietrich and Apone?
- Q: How can Ripley hang on during violent vacuum decompression while the
- much stronger alien queen can't?!
- Q: Why does Ripley attempt to climb out of the pit after the queen has
- been "vacuumed" out of the Sulaco? Why doesn't she just close the
- doors?
- Q: Why doesn't anyone stay on board the Sulaco?
- Q: How has Newt survived all this time? The aliens seem to have no
- problem getting around in the air ducts?
- Q: How does the queen know how to use an elevator, and how does she
- know what floor to get off at?
- Q: Are those power-loaders real?
- _ALIEN^3_
- Q: Why did it take so long for the chestburster to come out of Ripley?
- It only took a few hours for it to come out of Kane in _ALIEN_. Even
- though Ripley was carrying a queen, the chestburster itself was STILL
- the same size as the one that came out of Kane.
- Q: Why is that bloody autopsy necessary?
- Q: What is the "dreaded" seven-dwarf concept for the _ALIEN^3_ script?
- Q: How did the face-huggers get on the Sulaco?
- Q: Did the little face-hugger critter actually do so much damage to
- the Sulaco that the ship decided to EJECT the hypersleep capsules?
- Q: I remember seeing a trailer for _ALIEN^3_ that was really different
- than the movie?
- Q: There's a prison planet: is anyone really going to spend money on
- hideously expensive space travel in order to send these guys to some
- far-off solar system?
- _ALIEN4_
- Q: Will there be an Alien4?
- Q: Is there an Alien vs Predator script, and if so, will it be filmed?
- Q: Can aliens stay alive in space?
- Q: Where can I get Gibson's _ALIEN^3_ script?
- Q: What is "ALIEN WAR" ?
- Q: What is the 'Aliens: Ride at the Speed of Fright'?
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